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Atop a Singaporean Roof

May 21, 2011

I have never slept for 16 hours straight… until last night.  I forgive myself because of the jetlag and all of my recent travel, but I had so many plans for today.  I needed to change money, I needed to get a MRT card, I wanted to shop for a party dress, and I wanted to review some research.  Of all those plans, I ate a bowl of oatmeal and whooped some opponents (some of you reading this, no doubt) in Words with Friends.  LOL!  Productivity fail.

When I woke up, my hosts left me written directions to the adjacent condo for the roof top birthday party, but that did not help because I still got lost and was late to the party.  Great, Ryan.  Why don’t you be the
only Black person coming and confirm the CPT stereotype like you always do.  LOL!  It didn’t matter, though, because when I tell you I had a good time, I am truly understating it.  There was plenty of rice, curry, chips, dip, and music.  I did, however, have to laugh a bit at the eclectic range of music.  We danced to everything from Brittney Spears’ “Hit Me Baby One more Time” to Toni Braxton’s “He Wasn’t Man Enough for Me” LOL!

One of the French guys I met at the pool my first night in Singapore insisted on proving to me he lived a former life as a Chippendale dancer and he did a 180 later with an in depth discussion of American politics.  Talk about versatility.  When I assessed the night, I realized I had just enjoyed an evening with less than 15 people from China, Russia, Germany, France, Singapore, and California.  Traveling to other countries has a way of making you realize how small your tiny world really is.

I was also surprised at how many people were interested in the work I will be doing this summer.  Because I was so late to the party (smh at myself), my hosts had an opportunity to brief everyone on who I am and why I was in Singapore, and everyone was so curious about the problems with menstrual health in parts of
Southeast Asia and what I would actually be doing to work toward a solution.  When I told them my plans for the summer, they insisted I needed to work hard and play harder.  I was encouraged to see more of Asia when I get caught up with my work, and I had invitations to accompany some of them to Malaysia and Thailand during my time in Singapore.  Maybe I’m naïve, but I think Singaporean hospitality is a derivative of southern hospitality; I have never seen people so willing to embrace a complete stranger.
I am truly blessed!

As I write, I am trying to type myself to sleep.  It is after 3:00 a.m. here, and if I don’t force myself to sleep, I’ll never recover from this jetlag and I have to begin work Monday morning!  Pretty soon I will be asleep; hopefully!

I have included a picture from the rooftop party tonight for your viewing pleasure.  It’s a sneak peek into my time here.

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